A. mellifera live fence nursery at Toumani's demo site |
Toumani and some moringa trees to be outplanted at the demo site |
Crazy dancing at my neighbor's wedding |
This is what the whole valley used to look like, with the native species of oil palm. Now much of it is deforested, and the villages asked to reforest with a shorter, higher producing hybrid. |
The villagers were required to provide fencing and outplanting labor in return for a number of oil palm starts based on their household size. |
Ally and Sam and four other volunteers came to help with the project |
Outplanting demonstration |
Unloading the starts when they arrived from the nursery in Zinuinchor |
My backyard nursery - mangoes, citrus, and papayas |
Sara Diamanka with his grandkids - this is probably going to be the counterpart of the volunteer coming to the site I set up in Sare Samba |
My last photo with my host family - Wopa and her mother and my little namesake, Diatou, and Nene. |
At N'ice Cream in Dakar, saying goodbye to Peace Corps friends |